Sunday, January 14, 2007

Thoughts on the two naturals.

In my last Field report I mentioned the two naturals. These are guys are leaders among leaders.


This guy is huge he's 6"4 built w/ muscles and could easily be taken as ugly. I always joke w/ him that the reason he gets girls is that hes so ugly that the girls are scared to resist his advances.

Style: He always dresses peacocky. He wears a gold grill and always some nice shoes and a peacocky jacket. He dresses like a gangsta because he is as gangsta as they get w/o actually selling drugs (i believe he has before and done other shit like that). He always has his hair lined up and has chin hair like pastor troy.

voice: talks just like rick ross. Very Very powerful voice

humor: hes funny as hell. Most of his jokes are str8 c/f. We joke on each other all time. He amogs the shit out of everybody I'm the only guy who can go blow for blow w/ him besides the other natural.His stories are always good as hell. It seems like he has a million of them.

intelligence: he doesn't look smart but is smart as hell. Knows alot about life.

If you hanging w/ him you'll never worry about anybody trying to fight ya because hes always the most intimidating looking person in the venue. He's down to fight at any time if he has too. In fact before the club he had all 21 of us come near him and these were his exact words:" We going here to have fun and get on these hoes but if any nigga bump you or anything. Its nothing. you hear me. nothing"


He's only 5"9 and would be average looking if he wasnt for his style

style: long chin hair. Light skin. Tattoos on arm and neck. peacocky jeans. peacocky shoes. peacocky hats. chains on the jeans. chains around neck. STANDS OUT.

voice: Ultra powerful. he talks fast but clear. His voice can be intimidating to most people.

humor: hes really quick. he can amog the shit out of you or sometimes just plain insults people. his brash humor is well calibrated though. Tells great stories when he tells them but is more of the kind of guy who jokes around.

intellience: Smart as hell although again you wouldn't think it at first.

Dade county goes direct but will tease a girl. He kinoes alot and talks real soft to them or in their ear.

Speedster just makes small talk the girls are usually into him within the first five to ten seconds. The girl ends up chasing him. He teases girls and is great w/ groups. Especially groups w/ guys in it.

The main thing I noticed about these guys besides their leadership qualities are there nonverbals and style. They both have those aspects super tight. I know other naturals but they don't get the results these guys get and are usually better looking.

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